Sunday, 17 March 2013

Traitor's Gorge - Mike Lee (2013), Review part 1

Following on from my review of Mephiston: Lord of Death by David Annandale (2013), I thought I would do the same for the other current limited edition "Traitor's Gorge" by Mike Lee (2013). This is an "Event Limited Novella" That means that if you don't live in the UK and also go to one an event here where Black Library are in attendance then bad luck, you can resign yourself to waiting for the eBook or using Ebay. Slight Change: These will also be available at Adepticon in Chicago, USA, and Mike Lee will be there as well, so the lucky few can get them signed. As with my Mephiston: Lord of Death review this is part 1, a look at the book itself, A review of the story will be in part 2, coming at a later date.

Here is my full list of Limited Edition Novellas, Chapbooks and Anthologies published by Black Library for reference.

On Black Library Limited Edition Signature Pages

In my post Mephiston: Lord of Death - Review part 1 I talked about the Signature pages in Black Library Limited Edition/Time novellas and how I felt they could do with improvement. It was pointed out to me by "Emeryt" in the comments section that Black Library had briefly touched upon this in one of their "Brotherhood of the Storm" email updates (sent to people who had ordered the Novella and were waiting for it to arrive).

Mephiston: Lord of Death - David Annandale, Review part 1

My copy of the latest "Limited Time Novella" from Black Library: Mephiston: Lord of Death by David Annandale arrived yesterday and I could barely contain my excitement as I opened the  parcel. This review will be in two parts; part one will focus on the product itself, basically what you get for your £35. Part two will be a review of the actual story contained within. Here is my full list of Limited Edition Novellas, Chapbooks and Anthologies published by Black Library for reference.

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Black Library Live! 2013 - Write Up

I realise this is somewhat after the event but here is my write up of the event which took place on 2/3/13. This is mostly focused on the "experience" rather than the information disseminated by authors and editors as I feel these are pretty well covered already, have a look at Warseer, Bolthole & Heresy-Online, check them out if you want to know stuff.

Shadowsun by Braden Campbell – Up for Pre-Order

Just a quick one to say that Shadowsun – The last of Kiru’s Line by Braden Campbell is up for pre-order now form the Black Library website  and will be released later this month. Here is the over the top trailer if you want to get excited.

New Horus Heresy Limited Edition/Time Novella Announced: XIX – Raven Guard

Black Library has put up the teaser trailer for their next “Limited Time Novella” to be formally announced on 29th March 2013.